He was modeled after Sting, for pete's sake. Now, here's how he looks in the movie:

Keanu Reeves does not look like Sting. Further, the comic version wears a brown trenchcoat and is English. The movie version wears a black trenchcoat and is American.
I actually like the movie, mind you, and like KR's performance in the film, but someone like James Marsters (Spike from Buffy the Vampire Slayer) would have been a better physical fit for the role and he does a mean British accent. But what do they have him doing? Making audiobooks for the Harry Dresden novels. Dresden is 6 1/2 feet tall and dark-haired. Although I can't see Marsters while he is reading the book, just knowing he is average height and peroxide blonde is enough to make me simmer. they do have the vampire connection - Marsters played one on TV and Harry's brother is a vampire, but it is simply not enough. It is anarchy, I tell you. Pure anarchy...