
Still Wavin'

We are still working with waves, with Physics A and B concentrating on sound, Intro Physics getting the basics of vibrations and waves and Honors Physics working through light and reflection.

Physics A and B took their vibrations and waves exams yesterday, after a bit of lab work on wave properties and some review time. Tomorrow, we start in on sound!

Intro Physics discussed further characteristics of waves such as wave speed and looked at factors that affect the speed of both electromagnetic and mechanical waves. Be very sure you are aware how density of the medium impacts the speed of both EM and mechanical waves and that you can use the wave speed formula (and distance/time) to calculate the speed of a wave. Tomorrow, we start on wave interactions.

Honors Physics leaped from work with mirrors to color and polarization. We contrasted the additive and subtractive color systems, defined polarization and looked at methods of producing polarized light. Our little activity with the polarizing filters will be familiar when we do Monday's lab work with light intensity and polarization. Tomorrow's lab work centers around spherical mirrors and image formation.


In Waves

Physics A completed the new material for the sound chapter, looking at wave interactions. We contrasted constructive and destructive interference, looked at the phenomenon of reflection and the formation of standing waves. We'll work on an activity tomorrow that will let you model many of these ideas and see wave formation in action. Physics B worked on this activity today, making transverse and longitudinal waves on a spring and using a string to produce standing waves. Tomorrow for B will be a review for Thursday's exam, so come ready with questions.

Intro Physics began their work on waves. We defined waves, contrasted mechanical and electromagnetic waves, described simple harmonic motion and focused attention on the fact that waves move energy place to place. Tomorrow, we look at transverse and longitudinal waves and talk about physical features of waves.

Honors Physics began a study of light and reflection. We describe EM waves, looked at the EM spectrum and then jumped into reflection and image formation by plane mirrors. Remember that they only make virtual images with a magnification of 1 and where image and object distance are equal. We'll see how things change when the give the mirror a curve tomorrow.