
Is It Summer Yet?

Ok, day one down and a good day it was. Everyone seems ready to go, so let the fun begin...

Hopefully, some of you noticed on the course website (for Physics and Honors Physics) a link to the solutions for the math-based homework items. Homework/classwork is not about writing down answers. It is about applying problem-solving skills to situations. For each chapter of work, I'll post the answer key, which has each problem worked out for you. Often, your method for solving the problems may be different than that presented online. That is not a problem. There is usually more than one correct way to solve a problem. My own solution that I write on the board may differ than yours or the answer key's. The answer keys are also available in hard copy in class. Best advice, work the problem as far to completion as you can THEN check the answer. See how they approached setting up the problem. Often, homework and classwork assignments have repetitive problems - different problems with similar methods for solution. Use what you learn with one problem to get farther on the next. Note: non-math questions are not presented and we will discuss those in class.

Physical Science - have your scientist cap strapped tightly on your head tomorrow. Approach the lab experience with confidence - you aren't alone. If something goes wrong, there is the whole lab group to blame ;-) Follow directions carefully - don't skip around or do things just because you think that is what you are supposed to do. Start with #1, then go to #2 and so on. You'll be fine if you can always answer the question "Why are you doing that?" with something other than "Dunno." I will go over things with you before turning you loose on the computers and sensors, so you will not be jumping into things without an introduction. Also, don't hesitate to ask questions during the lab if a direction seens unclear or you are not sure if you have set something up correctly.

Tonight are new episodes of Ghost Hunters and Bones- yee hah! Sons of Anarchy also starts and that looks like it might be worth a watch. My DVR will be working and that is a good thing - it is lazy and needs a good workout. Since the Sox-Orioles game starts at 1:35pm, it won't conflict with my other shows. Can't stop the signal...

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