
Kinematics Formulas

Honors Physics - my oh my...what am I going to do with you? One of the main concepts for 2-dimensional motion is that each component can be analyzed independently and that the basic kinematics formulas apply. Also, there are no separate formulas for projectile motion - remember the formulas on your lab sheet? Same ol' ones we worked with last chapter and over and over and over and over again this chapter. When working problems on the board, all I've used is that same formulas set ad nauseum. So, if you were perplexed by the formula sheet (despite the fact that I said yesterday IN CLASS that the formula sheet you would get would be the one from the last chapter since those were the only ones you need), you need to go back and re-examine the basic idea of 2-dimensional analyses.

Physics - Good job today with horizontal projectiles. Tomorrow, we will work some additional problems and get more practice with vectors, if needed. The Chapter 3 exam is scheduled for next Wednesday, so we will wrap up all loose ends by Tuesday (remember that we lose Friday and Monday).

Physical Science - Lab data today from today looked good for those groups who were starting to graph out theirs. Tomorrow, data collection and analysis will be completed. I am looking towards next Thursday as the day for the motion exam. Forces, also included in Chapter 10 will not be part of this exam and will be addressed as a separate topic after the exam.

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