

Physics was engaged in examining friction and, despite a few whining complaints about the number of trials requried for the activity, all went well and good data is being collected. We will complete the data collection tomorrow in class. Physical Science - work on those basic math and calculator skills. Seriously. Some folks really need to just buckle down with a gazillion problems and spend time working them until they get them right. As stated early in the year, the mathematical techniques used for solving the problems at this level of physics are limited in number and we have pretty much covered all of them. And, they are nothing more advanced than anything in the middle-school math frameworks. So, grab the tiger by the tail and get that math nailed down. We simply do not have time to linger over material that should already be in your personal academic toolbox. We have to get the physics down in preparation for MCAS...Honors Physics - come ready with questions tomorrow in preparation for Monday's exam. We will go over today's homework problems and can go over any additional topics that need review.

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