
Long Weekend

As teachers are forced to participate, I mean...have the opportunity to participate, in a professional development experience tomorrow, students have the day off. Life is not fair...

Today, Physics and Honors Physics were on the same page, content-wise. The discussion centered around the properties of fluids in motion. Laminar and turbulent flow was introduced and the continuity equation was give some investigation. We dabbled our toes in Bernoulli's Principle and will pick up the discussion in more depth next week. Honors Physics - remember to read your Boyle's Law experiment sheets before coming to class on Monday. Physical Science explored the concept of calorimetry and began work on problems dealing with specific heat. I'll post the answer key on the course website this weekend so you can check your work. We will discuss these problems and the section review on Monday. For those who like a challenge, tackle this problem:

In 1906, a 636.73-g diamond was found at the Premier Mine in South Africa—making it the world’s largest uncut diamond.After being cut, the diamond pieces were dropped into an insulated water bath containing 1.00 kg of water. The water temperature increased by 1.30°C, and the diamond’s temperature decreased by 15.54°C.What is the specific heat capacity of diamond? The specific heat capacity of water is 4186 J/kg•°C.

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