
Sick Day

The cold that was kicking my behind on Friday is still kicking away and added some extra force, so I'm home surrounded by cold medicine and tissues. But, I'll be back tomorrow, so make sure that all of your work is done.

Physical Science - use the practice tests to highlight areas for which you'll need to ask for extra help tomorrow. Make sure that you can work all of the problem types for this chapter - work, power, kinetic energy, gravitational potential energy, mechanical advantage, efficiency, conservation of energy - and that you have a good handle on all of the basic concepts. Christmas break made this long unit seem extra long, so go back and spend a little extra time refreshing yourself on the earlier material.

Honors Physics - Tomorrow is set aside for questions and practice work. Your chapter was also interrupted by the vacation, so don't forget about basic torque and rotational equilibrium.

Physics - The work that you are doing today will be discussed in lecture tomorrow. Even though it seems like a bunch of new formulas, remember that you've seen these before, only in linear form. It is still the basic idea of Newton's 2nd law of motion, momentum and its conservation and conservation of energy. Don't let the new symbols throw you off. One note: for the conservation of energy problems, make sure to convert the angular velocity to translational velocity so that you only have one velocity variable in the formula (angular velocity = translational velocity/radius). Look at the sample problem if you get stuck.

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