
The Day O' Tests

Physics and Honors Physics had a graded learning experience today for the Heat chapter. Tomorrow, both courses start applying what they learned about heat, temperautre and internal enegy to the field of thermodynamics. We will discuss the laws of thermodynamics, thermodynamics processes, heat engine function and fun stuff like that.

Physical Science completed their discussion of wave types and watched video clips illustrating longitudinal and transverse waves. Be very clear about definitions, descriptions and examples of mechanical/electromagnetic and transverse/longitudinal waves. That is always present on MCAS exams. Tomorrow's lab activity will have students create transverse waves using a pendulum swinging with simple harmonic motion. Wave features will be identified and measured and wave speed will be calculated. Have the homework worksheets completed, but if you don't have time to do the 14.2 section review questions, you can hold off on that until Monday. Do read the section though, as it will discuss the topics that you will investigate in lab.

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