
I Admit It

I didn't post yesterday since I got home and crashed on the couch with my dogs for the evening. My corpus is still on vacation schedule...I don't feel too bad though as I was able to make it successfully through the school day (which is more than I can say for a lot of the folks in the building).

Physics and Honors Physics wrapped up their investigation of heat and temperature. Physics completed their lab unit yesterday and discussed heat transfer in class today. Honors Physics discussed heat transfer yesterday and had today for review. Tomorrow, Physics will have their review day and Honors Physics will conduct a lab investigation for Newton's Law of Cooling. NLC posits an exponential relationship for cooling rate and you will investigate this and the appropriate mathematical model tomorrow. For all upper-division people - exam on Thursday.

Physical Science started their wave unit yesterday by discussing the basic definition and categorization of waves. Today, students watched Mythbusters, yes Mythbusters. This particular episode had two segments - one concerning concepts about heat, temperature and fluid behavior and one concerning vibrations, waves and resonance. Complete the question sheet by tomrrow using your notes on the show, your book or any other resources you have available. Tomorrow in class we will discuss another method for categorizing waves and start to describe general features and characteristics of wave forms.

Speaking of Mythbusters, here is a fun clip demonstrating a Ruben's Tube, which uses fire to visualize sound waves:

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