

Physical Science engaged in a lab investigation on mirrors and image formation today. It was easily seen how different mirrors produce different images - both in type and magnification. One section of the investigation had students confirm the law of reflection for various viewing angles with a plane mirror. Sure enough, no matter the viewing angle, the incident angle and reflected angle were the same. Tomorrow, we'll discuss reflection and color and go over the homework. Starting Monday, attention turns to refraction. Expect your exam towards the end of next week.

Physics spent their time discussing the nature and production of harmonics by musical instruments and the voice. Inharmonic and harmonic overtones were contrasted and the importance of harmonics to music was emphasized. Attention then turned to the nature of beats and how they could be used to determine how well an instrument was in tune. Honors Physics had this discussion yesterday and will do a lab on this material tomorrow. Today was set aside for them to review for Monday's exam. Physics will have their review tomorrow and conduct their lab investigation on Monday. Here is a nice video about guitar harmonics that includes how they can be intentionally and preferentially formed:

Here's another about how guitar strings are made:

Harmonics for a piano:

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