
And A Good Time Was Had By Some

Physics and Honors Physics endured their exams for the electricity unit, their last exam before the final next week. Enough said about that.

Physical Science spent their lab period constructing their electric motors. As stated in class, this activity was a "trial by fire" and students were only allowed to ask me to supply them with additional materials. No construction help or advice was forthcoming. Students should take time tonight to consider where they are in the build process and think about how to address any issues or troubles that they were encountering towards the end of the period. Troubleshooting is often the most time-consuming part of a project, but it is a great way to get to truly understand how a device works. We will finish up with this activity tomorrow and then turn our attention to the generation of electricity using magnetism. Keep your eye on June 4 and 5 - MCAS is looming...

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