
The Chill

Why in the world is it so cold? Mother Nature and I have to have a talk sometime soon…

Physical Science B conducted their lab investigation to familiarize themselves with the Vernier equipment and practice some of the graph interpretation and slope/equation of the line calculation skills that we discussed in class. Remember to complete the lab synopsis, as well as the lab sheet, before turning in your work tomorrow. E Block reviewed the process of making and interpreting line graphs and the necessity of having strong skills in that area. The MCAS loves graphs and they show up in abundance every year.

Honors Physics discussed acceleration and the four basic kinematics formulas that can be used to describe motion with constant acceleration. You book rewrites the formulas a bit in the next section to apply them to vertical motion, but you don’t have to follow their model. The formulas discussed today work just fine provided you are mindful of your signs. Tomorrow’s lab will allow you to investigate vertical motion and practice interpreting position-time and velocity-time graphs describing motion. Also, you will experimentally determine acceleration due to gravity (g) at this location and factors that can affect the net acceleration an object experiences while in free fall. Exam looming next Wednesday, so if you need extra help, make sure to seek it in advance.

Physics also discussed acceleration and the requirement for constant acceleration for using the basic kinematics formulas. You will also investigate vertical motion in your lab blocks next week and tomorrow, we will start examining that concept in lecture. Your exam is tentatively scheduled for next Thursday– we’ll see what the next day or so brings before finalizing that date.


Honors Physics: Read lab packet. Practice 2F for Monday.
Physical Science B: Complete lab work.
Physical Science E: 1.3 Section Review
Physics F and G: None

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