
October - Day 1

4 of my 5 classes suffered through graded learning experiences. Physics and Physical Science contended with their assessments and will start new chapters tomorrow. Physical Science B needs to remember to bring their lab work with them so that we can complete the data analysis and discussion before you begin your write up. Physics G needs to remember to read their lab sheets in preparation of tomorrow’s work. Physical Science E and Physics F need to remember to take it easy and spare a little time for the homework that’s due tomorrow.

Honors Physics engaged in two lab activities. The Newton’s 2nd Law of Motion lab is a nice one for seeing the quantitative relationship between force, acceleration and mass for an object. We used the Vernier Dynamics Tracks purchased for the school by the Georgetown Education Foundation. These tracks provide a very low friction environment, so students get very clear and meaningful data. As we would predict, the graphs of force and acceleration were mirror images of each: force is directly proportional to acceleration if mass remains constant. The graph of force versus acceleration produced a nice linear relationship for which the slope was the object’s mass in kilograms. The second experiment, Atwood’s Machine is ongoing and will be completed in class tomorrow. Here are a couple of pics from today’s lab:


Honors Physics: None
Physical Science B and E: Complete the 11.1 Section Review (even the Math Skills questions) and the Practice on page 351
Physics F: Read 4.1 in the book and complete the 4.1 Section Review
Physics G: Read the lab protocol sheet and complete the 4.1 Section Review by Monday

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