
Back in the Saddle Again

Well, everyone seems to have made it back safe and sound, so the vacation week must have been a success…

Honors Physics jumped into the arena of sound today with an overview of the general properties of sound. Keep in mind all the vibrations and waves material from the previous chapter, and we’ll add some specificity to those basic concepts. We took time to review the idea of sound as a longitudinal, mechanical wave and added in our perception of sound frequency as pitch and the role of relative motion of source and observer in perception of frequency – the Doppler Effect. Tomorrow, sound intensity!

Physical Science B and E breached light territory today with a discussion of the particle nature of light, a review of the wave nature of light, the evidence for both and general properties of light (whether modeled as a particle or wave). B Block will conduct a series of lab investigations tomorrow with center around features and behaviors of light – reflectivity, polarization and intensity. E block will move into the reflection of light and the law of reflection.

Physics F and G reviewed waves and vibrations through an open-book quiz. Tomorrow, we start on sound as a specific example of a longitudinal, mechanical wave by focusing on basic properties of sound waves and our interpretation of sound frequency as pitch.


Honors Physics A: 13.1 Section Review
Physical Science B: Read lab protocol sheet and complete the 15.2 Section Review
Physical Science E: 15.2 Section Review
Physics F and G: 13.1 Section Review, p. 507 #3,4,5,8

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