
A Day of Tests

Honors Physics endured their thermodynamics exam and will move on to an examination of basic wave properties tomorrow. We’ll hit the definition and features of simple harmonic motion and discuss mass-spring and pendulum systems as examples. The lab on Monday will allow you to model simple harmonic motion graphically and mathematically.

Physical Science B and E sat through their waves exam and, like always, I feel people went through the test too quickly. Whereas every exam does not need to take the entire period, too many people are finishing with copious time to spare – and the grades aren’t A’s. Use the time you are given wisely. Read questions carefully, then re-read them for clarity. Highlight important terms in the question or numerical information and units. Diagram a question, if necessary, to visualize the situation being described in words. Tomorrow, we’ll go over the exam and then begin on our investigation of sound. B block will conduct a lab investigation on the speed of sound and qualities of sound produced by various sources. E Block will discuss the general properties of sound and specific vocabulary that we apply to sound waves.

Physics F and G began their discussion of simple harmonic motion. The oscillation of an object or material around an equilibrium point, where the displacement is proportional to the restoring force of the system – SHM. Mass-spring systems and pendulums are the classical examples and you will get a chance to look at these systems in your lab investigations next week. This chapter introduces the relationship between vibrations and waves, outlines basic wave features and behaviors and introduces vocabulary that you will use throughout the next several chapters. Get a good foundation now and the next few weeks will be a lot easier.


Honors Physics A: Complete Practice 12A and the 12.1 Section Review
Physical Science B: Read lab protocol sheet and complete the 15.1 Section Review
Physical Science E: Complete the 15.1 Section Review
Physics F and G: Read 12.2 and complete Chapter Review items #10-18, 19, 22

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