
All Downhill From Here

Already Wednesday - the majority of pre-vacation week is behind us...

Honors Physics conducted a lab that documented the relationship between magnetic field strength and distance. The curves argued that the magnet combinations you tested behaved as dipoles, which was expected. Make sure and look over your work for the calculation-based Extensions. They aren't hard, but do require that you put in careful work. For reference - the radius of your small magnets was about 0.0025 m.

Physical Science B and E took their electricity exams and we'll go over them in class tomorrow. We'll also finish up with the MCAS review packet (open-response questions) and may have time left over to take up the discussion of magnetism.

Physics F and G worked on test corrections. Tomorrow, G Block will conduct a lab that will allow students to explore the properties of permanent magnets and electromagnets. F Block will work on this lab Friday.


Honors Physics A: Complete lab write up
Physical Science B: Complete MCAS review packet and Pre-Reading Questions on p. 563
Physical Science E: Complete Pre-Reading Questions on p. 563 and list 5 bits of information you know about magnetism
Physics F: Work on test corrections
Physics G: Work on test corrections and read lab protocol packet

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