
Counting Down

We get rid of the Friday and everyone is counting down with unbridled glee...

Honors Physics took time to address specific problems from old exams that were still giving them troubles. On the final, don’t expect the problems to be very complicated, but make sure you are proficient with the basic problems associated with each section. I’ll be here before school tomorrow if you need any last minute assistance.

Physical Science B went over their MCAS material for heat and temperature and then received their practice problems from prior MCAS exams. The MCAS loves specific heat problems and questions that check if you understand that a higher temperature = more kinetic energy = greater/faster particle motion. We will go over those tomorrow and then make a start with waves. Physical Science E tidied up ideas about momentum and then launched themselves into heat. We’ll go over the heat material tomorrow in class and students will also have time to take the full 2009 MCAS exam as a practice for next week.

Physics F took their final exam and Physics G reviewed for their final exam.


Honors Physics A: Prepare for final exam
Physical Science B: Complete the multiple choice items for the MCAS heat practice
Physical Science E: Complete the short answer for the MCAS heat review material
Physics F: None
Physics G: Prepare for final exam

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