
Drawing up to Exam Week

Honors Physics went over their modern physics exams and then tuned attention to reviewing for the final. Students were given a copy of last year’s exam and reminded that last year’s exam did not cover magnetism or modern physics and was administered in a 67-minute block. We will go over this exam and start working on specific questions that students bring with them tomorrow. In addition, students were allotted time to work on corrections for their modern physics exams (as a graduation present).

Physical Science B completed going over their motion and forces questions from previous MCAS exams and then took time, as a class, to examine the short answers and discuss strategies for attacking the questions and maximizing their scores. Tomorrow, we’ll have a last overview of momentum before moving on to heat.

Physical Science E went over their momentum review questions and then were given packets with motion and forces questions from previous MCAS exams. Time was given in class to begin working on the multiple-choice and what students did not complete is assigned as homework. We’ll go over these tomorrow and discuss strategies for best performance on the open response.

Physics F and G took their open-book modern physics quizzes and then returned to their review for the final exam. We will go over the practice final tomorrow in class and students should bring in any specific questions to discuss.


Honors Physics A: Complete practice final exam
Physical Science B: None
Physical Science E: Complete the multiple choice for the practice MCAS items packet
Physics F and G: Complete practice final exam

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