
Oh That Modern Physics

Honors Physics endured their magnetism exams and will conduct a lab investigation tomorrow that centers around radiation. Don’t fret – all radioactive materials are NRC classed as non-hazardous, so you are not going to turn green by being in proximity with them. You will use gloves, however, as you do want to prevent accidental ingestion of materials. For folks that didn’t finish their exams, remember that tomorrow before school and at lunch are the options to finish if you didn’t stop by today.

Physical Science B began the long road of MCAS review. Students had time to work on two review items for motion – a series of short answer questions and a set of word problems. We will go over these tomorrow and look back on MCAS questions that dealt with these topics. We will also take time to go over the magnetism exams.

Physical Science E went over their magnetism exams and then began to work on a sheet of short answer questions to review for motion. Tomorrow, we’ll go over these items and take time to review over the chapter material that is relevant to those frameworks strands. There may also be time in class to start on working on the motion problems set that goes with this review unit.

Physics F and G began their unit on modern physics. We began our discussion with evidence for the particle nature of light and the basis for the wave-particle duality. This was then extended to de Broglie’s notion that if light had particle-like properties, then particles should have wave-like properties. These ideas will roll into tomorrow’s discussion of historical models of the atom, where quantum ideas helped form our modern interpretation of atomic structure.


Honors Physics A: Read lab protocol sheet
Physical Science B and E: Work on motion review material
Physics F and G: None

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