
And the Tests Begin!

Physics B and F took their Chapters 1 and 2 exams today. Remember to complete and turn in your bonus packet tomorrow if you want the credit. Tomorrow, we add a dimension (literally) to our study of motion. In order to understand projectile, or 2-dimensional motion, you must first understand vectors and that will be our first order of business.

Honors Physics reviewed the homework problems, then walked through Chapters 1 and 2, highlighting and reviewing material for tomorrow's exam. Don't forget to have the past two night's homework with you to hand in before the exam and don't forget your calculators!

Physical Science reviewed their study packet for tomorrow's exam and then we moved through the chapter detailing and reviewing material that will appear on tomorrow's test. You were allowed to keep your study packet, but remember to hand it in tomorrow before the test for credit.


Honors Physics: Prepare for exam
Physics B and F: Read p. 28-32 in your packet and complete #1-6, 30 on pages 40 and 41 of the reading
Physical Science: Prepare for exam

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