
Bye Bye Summer

Labor Day has passed, so stop wearing white and start pulling out your snow boots...

Honors Physics completed their discussion of precision and scientific notation and dabbled their toes into the pool of motion. We'll begin with 1-dimensional motion and the concepts explored in Chapter 2 will be expanded upon in Chapter 3, when we wrestle with 2-dimensional motion. These chapters will not only introduce skills relevant to motion, but also skills for graphing and problem solving that will be used throughout the year.

Physics B started their discussion of linear motion by working out a good definition of motion that included the very important concept - frame of reference. We then looked at the rate of motion, since all motion requires some amount of time to occur. Time was taken to differentiate speed and velocity, and we will delve into the basic ideas of scalars and vectors in the next chapter.

Physics F completed their introductory work with precision, significant figures and scientific notation. Remember that I won't be a dragon about checking for correct use of significant figures, but keep them in mind when working problems for your own reference and when working in lab. Tomorrow - motion!

Physical Science spent time looking at the process of doing science - the scientific method - using last week's writeup as an example. People did a very good job in lab and the writeups only had a few minor issues that we had to work through today. We took some time to look at the standard SI metric units and will spend time tomorrow practicing unit conversions.


Honors Physics: 2.1 Section Review
Physics B: p. 25 of the ancillary reading #1,2, 6-12
Physics F: 1.2 Section Review
Physical Science: 1.2 Section Review

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