
The Force is the Force, of Course, of Course

Honors Physics conducted a lab investigation that had students graphically analyze vector combination. Using spring scales and a known mass, precisely-drawn vector diagrams were used to demonstrate that adding the force vectors measured by the spring scales summed to the vector describing the object's weight. Further combinations verified that vectors can be added in any order and allowed students some practice with vector subtraction. We'll discuss the lab tomorrow before beginning our lecture unit on forces. Note: you don't need to do a lab synopsis for today's investigation.

Physics B and F began a discussion of forces, inertia and acceleration. We delved a little into the history of the concept of inertia and how inertia determines an object's acceleration (based on applied net force) and will expand on this tomorrow in a more quantitative fashion.

Physical Science reviewed their vector and acceleration worksheet before taking their quiz. After the quiz, the concept of forces was introduced. We'll spend an entire chapter on forces soon, but this preface serves to identify some common forces, highlight the vocabulary terms net force, balanced force and unbalanced force and give a hint as to the nature of forces' ability to affect motion.


Honors Physics: Complete Adding Force Vectors lab questions
Physics B and F: Complete Chapter 4 Chapter Review items #1-8, 12
Physical Science: Complete Chapter 10 Chapter Review items #17-20

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