
Monday, Monday

...can't trust that day...

Honors Physics reviewed their Chapter 1,2 exams before starting in on our unit for 2-dimensional motion. Analyses of 2-dimensional motion require the use of vectors, so we began looking at vectors today after the review. Vectors, with a magnitude and direction, allow for the study of behaviors of objects in response to interactions with other objects in their system. We discussed the property of vectors, the construction of vector diagrams and the graphical method of finding resultants. Tomorrow, we'll dig in deeper into vector analysis with a look at the mathematical methods of combining and resolving vectors.

Physics B and Physics F got back their Chapter 1,2 exams and have until Thursday to make any corrections to bolster their current score (optional). In class, Physics B conducted a lab investigation that centered on projectile motion. A horizontally-launched projectile was studied and predictions were made about its landing point. The initial horizontal velocity of the projectile, a ball bearing, was determined using photogates and students had to then calculate its predicted end point on the classroom floor. Very good results were had with two groups hitting their target dead center! We will discuss the lab tomorrow and get some practice working with vectors before turning further attention to projectile motion. Physics F worked with vector combination and resolution. We'll go over the worksheet tomorrow and address any final questions with basic vector operations before applying these ideas to projectile motion.

Physical Science was a split class. Since half of the class missed the exam on Friday, those students took the Chapter 1 exam. The remaining students received their exams back and were allowed, for this first test of the year, to make corrections to bolster their score. This will be the only such opportunity, so make the most of it! Everyone's test corrections are due tomorrow, before we move into our study of motion.


Honors Physics: None, besides read Projectile Motion Lab handout
Physics B: Complete Projectile Motion lab
Physics F: Complete Vectors worksheet
Physical Science: Complete test corrections

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