
11-12 is On!

Starting the new year is always a bother for both teachers and students, but hey... can't do anything about it so buck up and just get it done. This week is very short, but that doesn't mean we're going to be slacking. We'll be attacking Chapter 1, which introduces folks to the identity of physics and some of the fundamental skills you'll need throughout the year. Take time this week and weekend to make sure you have a good calculator to use - you WILL need it and the faster you get used to using it, the happier you will be. As for lab, we'll be working through an activity that will allow people to learn the Vernier system and get a feel for how the lab program will be conducted this year. And weigh pennies... Come on, you know playing with pennies is fun. Just admit it.

After this introductory chapter, we'll be moving directly into a study of motion. Distance/displacement, speed/velocity and acceleration are going to be the big players and there will be a set of formulas that you'll have to tackle to analyze the motion of objects. Get familiar with them - they are going to be your buddies for a good long, LONG, time in the course.

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