E Block reviewed their lab and homework problems for free fall before launching into a review for Thursday's exam. That's how things usually work - I'll go through the text pointing out what to know, and what you can slack off on, but it's on your shoulders to get any additional help you need before test time. That goes for all the blocks - are you listening B, C and E? Tomorrow, you'll get to work on a lab that will let you more fully work with free fall motion and give you a lot of practice interpreting and doing quantitative analysis of graphs. That will also serve as a good review for the test - remember, the write-up won't be due until Friday.
F Block ran a lab that analyzed the motion of a ball in free fall and spent a good portion of the lab block interpreting the graphs of the ball's motion. Make sure you are very clear about what each graph says about the motion and what information you can get from each graph. Consider well how the ball's motion and the patterns of the graphs document what we talked about in class.
Exam review tomorrow for B, C and E Blocks, so come with questions. Remember the online resources available to you and make good use of them for test preparation. This will not bail you out of a jam:
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