Honors Physics reviewed their Chapter 3 exams and Newton's laws of motion before continuing on with specific forces. We covered weight on Thursday and connected that idea with the new topic of the normal force (FN). As long as an object is on a horizontal surface and no one is pushing or pulling on it at an angle, the weight of the object is equal and opposite to the normal force provided by the surface. If the object is on an incline, only a component of the object's weight (mgcosΘ)is equal and opposite to the normal force. We'll look at how applied forces impact the normal force on Monday, as well as start a discussion about friction.
Introductory Physics worked with friction on Friday. We defined friction, contrasted static and kinetic friction and looked at examples of sliding, rolling and fluid friction. Make sure you are clear on the definition of all those terms and the reasons why some forms of friction are greater/lesser in magnitude than other forms. We'll look at this again tomorrow, review the chapter on Tuesday and have our Chapter 10 exam on Wednesday.