
Ending a Short Week

Only to begin another one on Monday. Not that I'm complaining...

Physics A and B both completed their Impulse-Momentum lab today. We start our unit on momentum and collisions on Monday and we'll get some more information on impulse and its relationship to momentum at that time. Labs are due on Tuesday, so use Monday's information to help round out your conclusions.

Intro Physics enjoyed their Chapter 11 exam. On Monday, we're sticking with forces, but looking at how they interact with fluids.

Honors Physics reviewed their work with Newton's law of universal gravitation and then tied that law to Kepler's laws of planetary motion. Make sure you are clear about what each of Kepler's laws has to say and can work with the math, calculating period, mass and/or orbital velocity. We'll review this on Monday before shifting gears a little and taking on the topic of torque.