
A Very Wet Day

Not the weather, but the lab work...

Honors Physics conducted a lab on Newton's law of cooling, which examined the exponential relationship associated with the cooling process. The tested water sample showed a definite exponential curve for the cooling process and we looked at the specific equation to describe that curve. The lab is not due until Friday, so you have some time to ask me any questions about the write up before you hand it in. Remember though - test tomorrow!

Physics A conducted a lab investigation for buoyant forces. We incrementally submerged a mass and saw how the buoyant force increased with additional submerged volume until the entire volume was beneath the surface. Then, we changed the density of the water (again, incrementally) and saw how buoyant force increased, also. Things to consider for your write up:

  • What is buoyant force? Equation?
  • Why did buoyant force increase as the mass was lowered?
  • Why did the buoyant force remain the same once the mass was completely submerged?
  • Why did the measured density of water differ from the accepted value? Sources of error?
  • How did buoyant force change with density for the extension?
  • Why did buoyant force change with density for the extension?

Physics B took time to review their circular motion and gravitation tests and their buoyant force lab before taking a look at pressure. We contrasted pressure and force and began to look at how Pascal's principle was responsible for the function of hydraulic devices. We'll pick up with that tomorrow and then begin to look at pressure changes with position in a fluid column.