Physics A and B worked on an activity centered around density, the relationship between mass and volume for a substance. For each material, the individual samples (despite their size) had the same density, as born out by the direct linear relationship of your graphs. The slope of the lines is the material's density in kg/m3. We'll go over the labs in class tomorrow as part of our start with forces in fluids.
Intro Physics worked on a lab investigation targeting simple machines. Levers and pulleys were created and tested for the mechanical advantage they provided. Remember that a machine with an MA < 1 is not a bad machine, it is simply designed to reduce effort force or increase distance. We'll discuss the lab tomorrow as part of our discussion of simple machines, but the lab itself is not due until Monday.
Honors Physics continued their review of temperature before taking some steps into heat energy. Heat is energy transferred between substances at different temperatures. It is not stored energy. As heat energy leaves a substance, the internal energy reduces and temperature declines. As heat energy enters a substance, the internal energy increases and temperature rises. We'll add the influence of work in class tomorrow before taking a look at specific heat.