Most folks were working with vibrations and waves today. The only ones that weren't were the Intro Physics people who continued their discussion of heat. We reviewed the homework essays about clothing and season, then worked some practice problems associated with Friday's exam. Tomorrow, we'll review some more for that exam and then Monday starts vibrations and waves.
Physics A put a definition and description to simple harmonic motion and talked about how both mass-spring systems and pendulums demonstrate that type of motion. We looked at the nature of the restoring force for each and used information from our last two labs to highlight this discussion. Physics B completed their second lab of that series which, for them, allowed folks to see how class topics played out in a real system. Tomorrow we continue with descriptors of SHM.
Honors Physics used the long block to investigate sound. Using tuning forks, the human voice and a tone dialer, wave patterns of pure tones and harmonics were viewed and analyzed. Tomorrow, review for Friday's sound exam and then it's on to light!