
Vacation Looms!

Physics A completed their pendulum labs and will discuss those labs when we return from break. As part of the lab activity, add these questions. Information from your lab sheet and textbook will be helpful in working through the items. Remember, that the write-up is not due until the Tuesday we return:

  1. Which factor most impacted the pendulum's period?
    • Why might that be the case?
  2. How can a pendulum be use as an altimeter?
  3. Would a grandfather clock keep proper time if taken up on a mountain? How would you adjust it?
  4. How would you adjust a pendulum clock to keep proper time on the moon where the gravity is 1/6 that of Earth?
  5. What is the length of a pendulum clock that has a period of 1 second.

Physics B worked with the idea of period, frequency and amplitude of vibrations. We defined each term and then looked at the relevant formulas for calculating the period of oscillation of a mass-spring system and a pendulum. On the Monday we return, we'll take a look at mass-spring systems oscillating in simple-harmonic motion and dive a bit deeper into the relevant mathematics.

Intro Physics reviewed their reading/discussion questions for plasma and then took time to do a bit of practice with heat and temperature questions from old MCAS exams. We'll go over these when return and then review the topic as a whole before having a lovely graded learning experience and moving on to waves.

Honors Physics reviewed their work with intensity and loudness before taking time to do some reading and reflecting on hearing safety. Folks read an article dealing with hearing loss and were then asked to write about how they took steps (or not) to protect their hearing and how a loss of hearing or damaged hearing would impact their lives. We'll share these insights when we return from break before moving on to harmonics.