
Moving On With Motion

Intro Physics took time today to discuss scientific notation and how to perform calculations with values given in scientific notation. We worked though a number of problems, with each student investigating the quickest and most efficient way to work with scientific notation on their calculators. we also reviewed the general rules for estimating the power of an answer to give folks a small method of self-check when problem-solving. Tomorrow, we're on to accuracy, precision and significant figures. Review for the chapter is Thursday, lab on Friday and the Chapter 1 exam is on Monday. On Tuesday, it's on to motion!

Honors Physics conducted two lab investigations concerning free-fall motion. Graphs of the motion were analyzed to gain information about the motion and students began to pull together ideas about acceleration, displacement and velocity, as they pertain to an extended motion, such as a ball being tossed into the air and caught. The investigations also allowed for folks to experimentally determine the value for acceleration due to gravity, which we begin to discuss tomorrow in class.

Physics F took on the topic of acceleration today. Class began with a review of the lab and a evaluation of e last set of lab write-ups. We went over high and low points of those papers and students were given advice how to remedy those issues for the next lab synopses that are due Monday. We tied the lab work into our acceleration discussion and used the graphs from the lab to highlight the main ideas. Tomorrow, we look at the kinematics formulas, which was how Physics D spent their time. We discussed the formulas, in general, then walked through a sample problem as a class before folks got to try one on their own. Tomorrow, nothing but problem-solving practice.