Physics D and F worked with projectiles launched at an angle today, with D doing some concntraed problem solving and F Block getting an overview of that type of projectile. For D, we built off yesterday's overview work and just focused on practice; for F, we built off of yesterdays lab with horizontal projectiles and added the twist that the initial velocity has two components. Tomorrow, everyone gets more practice with these before we take a look at relative motion.
Honors Physics worked on their horizontal projectile lab, predicting the impact point of a ball bearing after being launched off of a table. With basic data and calculations, students predicted that point and did a great job of hitting their target. Then the impact point was set and students had to calculate and implement the necessary launch velocity. Tomorrow, we'll review our work with non-perpendicular vectors and take on horizontal projectiles, using the lab as an example.
Introductory Physics reviewed their work with kinematics and graphing for motion and began to look at circular motion. We'll go into this more tomorrow, but today we defined circular motion and began with centripetal acceleration. We'll add centripetal force in tomorrow and look at examples of circular motion.
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