Honors Physics completed their work with angular kinematics and, after a short quiz, had their first taste of vectors. We'll make sure that everyone has the vector operations skills up to snuff early on, because we'll need them for a lot of the work we'll do this year. Physics D and F have been working through that over the past few days and, today, finalized that with a review and extra measure of practice with non-perpendicular vectors. Tomorrow, these folks will move on to 2-dimensional motion and will look at working with projectile motion in their upcoming long blocks. Honors Physics is on that track, too, though we have to hack through the vector weeds beforehand...
Introductory Physics reviewed yesterday's lab investigation then moved to reviewing their acceleration homework problems. We looked at some common trouble spots, then took time to introduce the kinematics formulas, which are found on the MCAS formula sheet. Tomorrow, we'll get some practice working with these before turning attention, briefly, to circular motion.