With parent-teacher conferences taking up half the day, Intro Physics didn't meet. You'll finish up your density lab tomorrow and start on your discussion of buoyancy.
Physics D took on the idea of power, the rate of work being done or energy being transformed. Make sure you are very aware that power does not equal the amount of work done or transformed, however, just how fast it is happening. We looked at mathematical methods for calculating work and worked on a variety of practice problems using these techniques. Tomorrow, we'll go over your homework for power and review for Monday's exam. Friday - a lab on inclined planes and pulleys, which Physics F worked on today. For each of those simple machines, mechanical advantage and efficiency was assessed and, for pulleys, we contrasted ideal mechanical advantage (IMA) with actual mechanical advantage (AMA). We'll go over this lab tomorrow before turning our attention to the topic of power.
Honors Physics reviewed their work with power, then looked at reviewing for Friday's exam. We walked through the chapter topic by topic and addressed any loose ends. Tomorrow is a lab on simple machines and if you have further questions for the exam, you should have time to ask them during lab.