After a week of exams and studying for exams, we're back to normal. Physics D and Honors Physics discussed the concept of simple harmonic motion, using mass-spring systems and simple pendulums as examples. We defined periodic motion and contrasted it with simple harmonic motion, then turned attention to Hooke's Law and how the spring force defined by Hooke plays into SHM. We then looked at how pendulum systems and they met the SHM criteria. Tomorrow, Honors Physics will work on two lab investigations centering on mass-spring systems and pendulums and properties of their motion.
Physics F conducted their pendulum and mass-spring system lab investigations. We completed the pendulum portion today and will attack the springs tomorrow. For the pendulum, folks investigated three factors that might affect the period of the oscillation (mass, amplitude and length) and found that length was the only factor that had an impact on the period of the swing. It wasn't a surprise that the formula for the period of a pendulum only included length and acceleration due to gravity as variables. Tomorrow, you'll look at the sine curve describing an oscillating spring and test features of its motion, also.
Intro Physics reviewed their midterm exams then turned attention to energy. We defined energy as the ability to do work and talked about why the 'ability' was as important as the doing of the work. We contrasted mechanical and nonmechanical energy and began to look at one form of mechanical energy - gravitational potential energy. The importance of defining the zero point was discussed and how the choice impacted both the magnitude and the sign of the PEg. Tomorrow, we take on kinetic energy, before turning attention to conservation of energy. The lab for this unitl will deal with energy conservation so that you can see how transformations of energy do not change the total value of energy in the system.