
So Many Labs

Physics A and B block worked on a lab investigation involving pulleys. Folks tested simple fixed and movable pulleys, as well as pulley systems, for the mechanical advantage they produced. For pulleys, the mechanical advantage (resistance force/effort force) can be determined by experimentation or by the number of supporting ropes. The simple fixed pulley had one supporting rope and an MA of 1. The simple movable pulley had two supporting ropes and an MA of 2. And so forth and so on... On Monday, we'll start our discussion of circular motion, torque and simple machines, so have those lab sheets completed.

Honors Physics conducted a lab investigation targeting buoyant forces. When an object is placed in a fluid an upward force acts on the object equal to ρfluidVfluidg. Since the product of density and volume equals mass, that formula is another way to calculate weight. To determine floating or sinking, compare the forces acting on an object (weight and the buoyant force) and see who is larger. We'll discuss buoyant forces in more detail on Monday and you can use that discussion to help with your lab write-up which is due on Tuesday.

Intro Physics went over their buoyant forces problems and then worked on some questions dealing with buoyancy. We'll read these over on Monday before moving on to fluids moving due to pressure gradients and Pascal's Principle.


Test Day!

Lots of tests on deck and now that those are over, we can get back to work...

Physics A and B worked on their Chapter 6 exams. Physics A also conducted a lab investigation that centered on levers. This coming chapter looks at torque, circular motion and simple machines (along with other things), so this activity was a nice introduction to that material. Three classes of levers were designed and tested for the mechanical advantage they produced. Even within a class of levers, it could be seen that the distance between the effort force and the fulcrum, compared to the resistance distance to fulcrum, made a difference in mechanical advantage. We'll relate those distances to the idea of lever arm and bring in the concept of balanced torque to fully explain your results. Remember, no formal write-up, but do have the questions answered, including the Going Further for tomorrow.

Honors Physics had their Chapter 7 exam to enjoy and tomorrow will have folks conducting an investigation on buoyant force to start our unit of forces in fluids.

Intro Physics reviewed their work on pressure with depth before moving on to buoyant force. We discussed Archimedes work to gain knowledge about buoyant force and let Archimedes Principle explain why objects float or sink in different fluids. Floating and sinking is based on the net force acting on an object placed in a fluid and Archimedes Principle lets us establish the size of the buoyant force to add to the object's weight to get the net force. We analyzed how density plays into the calculation of buoyant force and ended the class with a series of problems on buoyant forces. We'll go over these tomorrow, before looking at some questions about buoyant forces.


Conference Day

We had an abbreviated day due to parent-teacher conferences, but some work did get done regardless.

Physics A and B reviewed for their Chapter 6 exam, with Physics B (having a modified long block), having some time to explore conservation of momentum for rotating systems. Angular momentum is another conserved value, like linear momentum, but depends on different variables. For linear speed, we have angular speed - the speed at which the object rotates. For mass, we have moment of inertia - the resistance of an object to changes in its rotation. Moment of inertia does depend on the quantity of mass present, but also on how that mass is distributed around the rotational axis. Then your hands were away from your body, your rotational speed was lower than when your hands were drawn in close. With more of your mass distributed away from the axis of rotation, the harder you were to rotate (greater moment of inertia) and with your arms drawn in, you had more mass clustered near the axis of rotation (lower moment of inertia). Low moment of inertia, higher rotational speed; high moment of inertia, lower rotational speed. The product of the two, however, would remain constant since angular momentum had to be conserved. For both blocks, after tomorrow's test, we move on to circular motion and gravitation.

Honors Physics reviewed for their Chapter 7 exam and on Friday, we take on forces in fluids.


A Full Week! Almost...

We have a half-day tomorrow due to parent-teacher conferences, but this is more instructional time in a week than we've had lately, so yeah!

Physics A and B worked on the idea of elastic collisions, building on yesterday's work with perfectly inelastic collisions. Elastic collisions conserve both momentum and kinetic energy and we worked some problems putting those ideas to use. Tomorrow we'll have some review time in preparation for Thursday's exam. Then it's on to circular motion.

Intro Physics spent time discussing yesterday's density investigation and used that to springboard into the concept of pressure variations with depth in a column of fluid. As we descend in a fluid, pressure increases and as we ascend, pressure decreases. We contrasted gauge and absolute pressure and ended the class by starting on some problem-solving practice with these ideas. We'll go over the homework at the start of class tomorrow before looking at buoyancy and buoyant forces.

Honors Physics worked on an activity to demonstrate the action of simple machines to multiply effort force of distance. Three classes of levers were tested for the mechanical advantage they produced and how they make work easier. We'll go over this activity tomorrow before reviewing the simple machine homework and reviewing for Thursday's exam. Then - forces in fluids!

Being a Fangirl

No explanations... no apologies...


Meeting the Challenge

Physics A and B reviewed their conservation of momentum homework and were then challenged to solve a conservation of momentum problem involving 2-dimensional motion. Groups worked hard, with the first ones to solve the problem winning a valuable prize. Kudos to those groups who tackled this successfully! On Monday, we'll review conservation of momentum, then turn our eyes to applying this concept to specific types of collisions.

Intro Physics had about 47 seconds in class before they were called down to the pep rally. On Monday, we'll start the density investigation that was introduced in these paltry 47 seconds of class time.

Honors Physics didn't meet because of the half-day. On Monday, we'll review the concept of torque and then begin to look at the simple machines.

Have a great Thanksgiving!


Force, Torque, Pressure and Momentum

Folks are in very different places today, but everyone is moving along nicely...

Physics A and B reviewed their work with the impulse-momentum theorem before turning attention to conservation of momentum. Conservation of momentum comes about through Newton's 3rd Law of Motion - the impulse that acts on one object has to match the impulse that this object imparts to the object that touched it. Therefore, the momentum changes of each object are equal but opposite. One object gains momentum and the other loses it, but the total remains the same. Momentum is simply transferred between objects in the system. We looked at examples of situations from the perspective of conservation of momentum to highlight strategies for problem solving and folks worked some practice in class. We'll go over the homework practice tomorrow and toss in a little extra if need be to nail this concept down.

Intro Physics continued their discussion of Pascal's Principle and hydraulic devices. We looked at how hydraulic devices serve to multiply our effort force (something we'll later call mechanical advantage) and how to calculate the size of that force multiplication. Time was given in class to work problems involving hydraulic devices and tomorrow, depending on how much time we have with the pep rally stealing our instructional time, we may or may not do an investigation on density. We'll need a good understanding of density to work through the upcoming topics of pressure with depth and buoyant forces.

Honors Physics reviewed their work with Kepler's laws of motion and yesterday's lab on centripetal force before taking on the concept of torque. Torque is the rotational analogue of force - it serves to change the speed of rotation (produces angular acceleration). Centripetal force handles direction and torque handles speed in the rotational world. We looked at some demonstrations of how force and torque differ and how the angle through which the force is applied affects a force's ability to rotate an object. Your homework items will give you practice with torque, lever arm and rotation and we'll revisit these ideas on Monday when we start to look at simple machines.


Turkey Week!

Another short week and yes, that is something for which to be thankful...

Physics A and B used their lab work from last week to illustrate ideas associated with momentum and momentum change. We defined momentum and looked at how a change of an object's momentum can be linked to the combined effects of force and time. The product of those two is termed 'impulse' and this leads to the impulse-momentum theorem. We discussed how Newton's laws of motion stem from changes in momentum and the relationship to force and time, how stopping times and distances can be assessed using the impulse-momentum theorem and how areas such as sports and safety equipment use impulse-momentum to promote desired effect on objects or bodies. Tomorrow, we'll collect those labs and then take a look at conservation of momentum (made possible by good old Newton's 3rd law of motion.

Honors Physics worked on a lab that linked centripetal force, orbital radius and orbital speed. Larger radii need higher orbital speeds to be maintained, given the same centripetal force and greater centripetal forces require greater orbital speeds to maintain a constant orbital radius. We'll discuss the lab tomorrow, along with the work on Kepler's laws of planetary motion, before moving on to torque - the rotational analogue of force.

Intro Physics began class by reviewing their force and momentum exam then turned attention to the action for forces in and on fluids. Pressure was defined as force/area and the generation of internal pressure by fluids was described. We looked at common events that are promoted by differences in fluid pressure between two areas (like breathing and drinking through a straw) and just dipped our toes into hydraulics before the bell cut our time short. We'll pick up there tomorrow and get some practice working with the math of pressure and hydraulic devices.


If You Understand This...

...you understand the profound things in life...


Ending a Short Week

Only to begin another one on Monday. Not that I'm complaining...

Physics A and B both completed their Impulse-Momentum lab today. We start our unit on momentum and collisions on Monday and we'll get some more information on impulse and its relationship to momentum at that time. Labs are due on Tuesday, so use Monday's information to help round out your conclusions.

Intro Physics enjoyed their Chapter 11 exam. On Monday, we're sticking with forces, but looking at how they interact with fluids.

Honors Physics reviewed their work with Newton's law of universal gravitation and then tied that law to Kepler's laws of planetary motion. Make sure you are clear about what each of Kepler's laws has to say and can work with the math, calculating period, mass and/or orbital velocity. We'll review this on Monday before shifting gears a little and taking on the topic of torque.


Forces and Momentum

Despite being in very different places, all classes are working somehow in the arena of force or momentum.

Physics A and B enjoyed their Chapter 5 exam and Physics B moved after the exam, being long block, to a lab that looked at the impulse-momentum theorem. An object's change of momentum is dependent of the net force acting on the object and the length of time that the force acts. Mathematically: FnetΔt = Δp. We'll finish up the lab tomorrow and A Block will start on it during their long block.

Introductory Physics reviewed their forces and momentum MCAS review work and also engaged in a general review of these topics in preparation for tomorrow's exam. On Monday, we'll start to expand our work on forces by looking at forces in fluids.

Honors Physics reviewed their work with centripetal force and acceleration, then took a look at one specific force that can act as a centripetal force - gravity. We discussed Newton's law of universal gravitation how it can be applied. The link between acceleration due to gravity and gravitational field strength was broached, as was the effect of gravity on orbital motion and the tides. Tomorrow, our heads stay in the heavens as we take on Kepler's laws of planetary motion.


Wonderful Wednesday

On top of being a beautiful day, everyone had a busy class period.

Physics A and B reviewed for their Work and Energy exam. I had a request, and it was a good one, for a video centering on power and how to choose the right formula/relationship to solve problems. So, here's that video and remember that there were a couple of posted earlier on calculating individual forms of energy and solving problems using conservation of energy:

Introductory Physics reviewed their momentum quiz before moving on to some MCAS review for forces and momentum. We'll use these questions/problems as part of tomorrow's review for Friday's exam, so do your best with them!

Honors Physics began a unit for circular motion. We discussed how the speed of circulation motion can be described and contrasted angular and tangential velocity. If velocity changes, that means acceleration and we discussed three accelerations associated with circular motion, two which report rate of change of the speed portion of velocity (angular and tangential acceleration) and the other that reports the rate of change of the direction part of velocity (centripetal acceleration). Tangential and angular acceleration are in the direction of the velocity in of the motion, but centripetal is always pointed towards the center of the circular path. Centripetal acceleration is produced by centripetal force, which is a job description not the name of one specific force. We looked at examples where tension, gravity, friction and the normal force can all act as a centripetal force, so look for all of those to possibly show up in problem solving. Tomorrow, we'll keep going with circular motion by looking at one specific force that can act as a centripetal force - gravity.


I Didn't Want to Come Back To This

Nice, fun, long weekend and we come back to cold, rainy misery. Not really worth getting out of bed, was it?

Regardless, it was a busy day all around. Physics A and B reviewed their work on conservation of momentum and then looked at the concept of power. Remember that power is a rate function: the rate at which work is done, the rate at which energy is transformed, the rate at which energy us used, etc. A machine with a higher power rating than another doesn't do more work than the latter, it only does the work faster. The practice problems took us a bit longer than expected, so we pushed tomorrow's test back to Thursday and will use all of tomorrow for review. On Friday, we begin our unit on momentum, with A Block discussing the nature of momentum and impulse and B Block working on a lab targeting the impulse-momentum theorem.

Introductory Physics completed their impulse-momentum theorem labs, which are due on Monday so you have plenty of time to get help with the calculations or the writing before you hand it in for credit. Tomorrow, we'll go over the momentum quiz and begin working on items from previous MCAS exams centering on forces and momentum. We'll go over these on Thursday and have a general chapter review before having our exam on Friday.

Honors Physics enjoyed their Chapter 6 (Momentum and Collisions) exam and will start with circular motion and gravity tomorrow. It will be a change of gears, but will broaden our model of motion quite nicely.



Couple of videos for Physics A and B. First is on calculating types of mechanical energy and working with work-kinetic energy theorem. Second is about conservation of energy. Have fun!


Marching into the Weekend

Physics A and B reviewed their work with potential energy and then turned attention to conservation of energy. We had our lab work in this area to draw upon for examples of how energy transformed into different forms/types and how these transformations did not in any way change the total amount of energy present in the system. When friction is a big player in the game, conservation of mechanical energy can be very poor, but when friction is well controlled, we can see good conservation of mechanical energy. Conservation of total energy always holds, though, even if some is turned to non-mechanical forms. On Tuesday, we'll quickly add power to our bag of tricks and begin the review process for Wednesday's exam.

Intro Physics took their momentum quiz and then moved on to a lab that dealt with the impulse-momentum theorem. with a force sensor and motion detector, data could be collected for force, time and velocity which, with the mass of the cart, put together a nice picture of how the impulse acting on an object produced a change of the object's momentum. Folks are testing loose elastic materials, producing a long time interval for the force to act and stiffer materials that have forces act on the object for a much shorter time. We still have data to collect and analyze and that's what we'll work on when ewe come back on Tuesday.

Honors Physics went over their collisions homework before walking through the chapter in preparation for Tuesday's exam. On Wednesday, we shift gears a bit and start to tackle circular motion.

Have a great long weekend!



The first snow of the year and it actually stuck! That does not bode well for my hope for an easy winter...

Physics A and B reviewed their Chapter 4 tests and their work/work-kinetic energy theorem homework before turning attention to potential energy. We looked at two energies of position, gravitational potential energy (PEg) and elastic potential energy (PEe), the same two on which we focused during our recent lab investigations. Make sure you know what goes into calculating each energy type, their connection to work and that each can change depending on the situation. We'll look more at those energy changes when we take on conservation of energy tomorrow.

Introductory Physics had more practice working with the math of conservation of momentum today in class. You can't really give a formula for conservation of momentum besides pi = pf, because the physical nature of the circumstances will have you script that relationship differently for each scenario. The key is to think about the relationship itself and use your knowledge of the problem to write down the members for initial momentum and final momentum. Tomorrow, a quick quiz on impulse-momentum and conservation of momentum before we conduct a lab investigation on the impulse-momentum theorem.

Honors Physics reviewed their work with conservation of momentum before detailing aspects of specific types of collisions - perfectly inelastic, inelastic and elastic. For all, momentum is conserved; however kinetic energy is conserved only for elastic collisions. We'll review the chapter material tomorrow and look to Tuesday for our Chapter 6 exam.


And We Return

Students had a nice day off yesterday, while teachers suffered through a professional development day. I'd much rather be teaching...

Physics A completed the data collection and analysis for their energy conservation labs. Some conclusion ideas for the lab, which is due on Friday:

  • What does each form of energy entail - what goes into measuring each type (height, speed, etc.)
  • What patterns of change did you see and why did those patterns occur (did speed increase, stretch decrease, etc.)
  • How did one pattern of change in one energy form relate to the pattern of change in the other.
  • What is conservation of energy and how does it play into the observed patterns of change for the energies?
  • Did friction play a role? Why or why not?
  • Sources of error? What were they and how might they have impacted the results?

Physics B reviewed their energy conservation labs and their discussion on work before moving on to kinetic energy and the work-kinetic energy theorem. We defined energy as the ability to do work and related positive and negative work to an object's energy bank. The formula for kinetic energy was examined, with a note on the greater importance of velocity on an object's kinetic energy, then turned attention to linking quantitatively an object's energy change and work. We'll review this tomorrow, before adding more energy types to our list of suspects.

Introductory Physics reviewed their problems for the impulse-momentum theorem before taking on conservation of momentum. The momentum of a system stays the same, as long as outside influences are not acting (like friction). We looked at examples of conservation of momentum before staring to work on the problem-solving aspect with a few samples. More practice tomorrow in preparation for a quick quiz on Friday before our lab on momentum.

Honors Physics conducted an investigation on the impulse-momentum theorem. A force sensor measured force applied to a moving cart and a motion detector tracked the cart's velocity change. With this information, along with time, comparisons between impulse and the cart's momentum change can be compared. We'll talk about the lab in class tomorrow, but the write-up isn't due until Friday. Tomorrow's discussion will dissect types of collisions and relate them to conservation of mechanical energy and momentum. Friday - review. Monday - Exam. Tuesday - Circular motion and gravitation.


Energy and Momentum

Physics A completed their conservation of energy labs and we'll pick up on Wednesday with a discussion of those labs and a more detailed look at kinetic energy. Physics B started these labs and folks are in varying stages of complete, so we'll take Wednesday for tying up all loose ends before moving on to potential energy on Thursday.

Intro Physics reviewed their quiz from Friday and then moved on to momentum. Make sure you can differentiate between momentum and inertia, calculate the momentum of an object given mass and velocity, recognize and work with the vector nature of momentum and solve problems using the impulse-momentum theorem. When a force acts on an object, the duration of time that force acts makes a big difference in the object's change of motion. We looked at the math behind the impulse-momentum theorem and how it explained the need for follow-through in sports and function of safety gear such as air bags and safety nets. Tomorrow, we'll look at conservation of momentum and start more math with that concept.

Honors Physics reviewed their impulse-momentum work and then moved on to conservation of momentum. In a system, barring outside influences, the momentum of the system is conserved. Each interacting object will show a momentum change, but the total value remains constant. We looked at how Newton's 3rd law of motion and the concept of impulse accounted for conservation of momentum, then began to work problems involving conservation of momentum. On Wednesday, folks will work on a lab centered on the impulse-momentum theorem and we'll continue on with conservation of momentum on Thursday.


Phunky Phryday

Physics A continued with their discussion of work to add the connection between work and energy. We discussed the general definition of energy (the ability to do work) and concentrated on kinetic in today's lecture. Kinetic energy is associated with motion, so if you are at rest, you have 0 Joules of kinetic energy. If you experience an increase of kinetic energy, it's most likely that you increased you speed. Increasing speed reflects positive work being done on you and the amount of work done will equal the kinetic energy increase. Negative work would reduce your speed and, therefore you're kinetic energy. Again, though, the amount of work will equal the kinetic energy change. That relationship is called the work-kinetic energy theorem, but can be expanded to relate work to any energy form. On Monday, you'll work on a lab that allows you to investigate the types of mechanical energy in this chapter and also introduce you to the concept of conservation of mechanical energy.

Physics B conducted their energy transformation/conservation labs today during long block. Transformations between KE and PEg and PEe were tackled between two investigations. Throwing in a ball in the air demonstrates the trade-offs between height and speed and the related energy changes, and an oscillating spring highlights speed and displacement tradeoffs, again relating to energy. However, at all times, as your graphs showed, total energy is conserved. We'll discuss this lab on Monday before taking on kinetic energy and its relationship to work.

Intro Physics enjoyed their quiz on the math of forces. We'll go over those on Monday and begin our discussion of momentum. The paragraph you're to write for homework is described on Edline if you didn't jot it down in class and be prepared to share your thoughts with others in class next week.

Honors Physics went over their Chapter 5 tests, then began a discussion of momentum. Momentum was once considered the quantity of motion and it was in light of momentum that Newton thought about forces and changes of motion. We defined momentum, showed how mass and velocity had equal roles in determining an object's momentum and discussed the impulse-momentum theorem, which links force and motion through the aspect of time. We'll get some lab work with this concept next week and also go deeper into momentum by examining the concept of conservation of momentum.


Child's Play

Every year I beat the drum for the Child's Play charity. It is totally the type of charity I can get behind - one where all the funds go to the charity's target (sick children) and not to administrative salaries and other things that don't help anyone but the fat cats. Child's Play is a organization that calls on gamers to show the world we're not all pale, weird, freaks living in our parent's basement or out of control violence-eaters the way the media likes to make us appear.

Each year, a massive fundraising effort gets underway. There are hosts of events in which to participate to raise money and you can even set up and run your own event like a gaming marathon. Folks can also donate directly to a hospital through PayPal or using the hospital's Amazon Wish List. Everything goes directly to the hospital - no middleman. I always throw support towards the Children's Hospital in Boston, but have, when funds allow, given to other hospitals that probably don't get as much support, such as hospitals in Egypt and New Zealand.

If you game or even if you don't, you might consider Child's Play if you're looking for a charity to support. I keep a link on the sidebar during the donation season, but they take contributions all year long. To learn more about Child's Play, visit their website: http://childsplaycharity.org

Gamers can make a difference. A good difference. Millions of dollars, to date, of a difference. Feel free to join the party...

Finalizing Forces

Well, not really, because they'll haunt us all year like Marley's ghost, but at least that particular section is finally being put to bed.

Introductory Physic reviewed the math associated with forces and the resulting acceleration an object experiences. Tomorrow's quiz will target the quantitative face of Newton's 2nd law of motion, Newton's law of universal gravitation, calculation of net force, weight and kinematics involving falling objects (and horizontally-moving objects if it relates to other topics). On Monday, we'll start on momentum!

Physics A and B began their unit of work and energy. We put a specific scientific definition to the term work and looked at situations where forces did and not do work on objects. We talked about Wnet and how it is calculated for a variety of situations and what it meant for work to be positive or negative. Physics A will start connecting with work in class tomorrow. Physics B will do the same, but with two lab investigations.

Honors Physics enjoyed their Chapter 5 exams and will take on momentum and its conservation starting tomorrow.