After a 4-day weekend for students, we are back on track with motion. Physics D, F and E all reviewed projectile motion and began a study of relative motion in class today. Remember that for relative motion, we are taking a particular viewpoint (frame of reference) and describing motion in respect to it. Often, we use vector techniques to look at relative velocities or displacements, such as with the problems we worked in class. Tomorrow is review day for Friday's exam, so make sure to bring questions about vector operations (including non-perpendicular vectors), projectile motion (projectiles launched at an angle and horizontally-launched projectiles) and relative motion. On Monday, we start to look at forces!
Intro Physics completed their lab for static and kinetic friction. Folks still have some calculations and question-answering to do but the lab isn't due until next Wednesday, so you have time to get that done, along with the write up. We'll discuss static and kinetic friction tomorrow in class, using the lab data to illustrate our points and Friday is review day for the Chapter 10 test.