Intro Physics reviewed their lab on static and kinetic friction before discussion the topic more fully in lecture. We defined each type of friction, discussed why Fs,max was always greater than Fk when the same surfaces are involved, factors affecting the amount of friction an object experiences, the sub-classes of kinetic friction (sliding, rolling, fluid) and why friction is both a helpful and problematic force. Tomorrow, full review for Monday's exam and then it's on to Newton's Laws of Motion on Tuesday.
Pre-Test Jitters
Physics D, F and E all worked on exam review in class today. We quickly went over yesterday's material for relative motion, then walked page by page through the book, highlighting relevant information for tomorrow's exam before opening the floor for specific questions. On Monday, we start forces, which will tie in closely to the work with motion we've been navigating the past two chapters. Where are some videos for vectors and projectile motion that you might find helpful for your exam review (note: for the first video - textbook pages are for the older edition of the book,but I think you can figure things out pretty easily)...
Intro Physics reviewed their lab on static and kinetic friction before discussion the topic more fully in lecture. We defined each type of friction, discussed why Fs,max was always greater than Fk when the same surfaces are involved, factors affecting the amount of friction an object experiences, the sub-classes of kinetic friction (sliding, rolling, fluid) and why friction is both a helpful and problematic force. Tomorrow, full review for Monday's exam and then it's on to Newton's Laws of Motion on Tuesday.
Intro Physics reviewed their lab on static and kinetic friction before discussion the topic more fully in lecture. We defined each type of friction, discussed why Fs,max was always greater than Fk when the same surfaces are involved, factors affecting the amount of friction an object experiences, the sub-classes of kinetic friction (sliding, rolling, fluid) and why friction is both a helpful and problematic force. Tomorrow, full review for Monday's exam and then it's on to Newton's Laws of Motion on Tuesday.