Intro Physics worked on a series of activities to illustrate Bernoulli's Principle. The five activities demonstrated the effects of setting fluids in motion and the resulting unbalanced force that results causing a visible change in motion in matter sandwiched between the high- and low-pressure fluids. Tomorrow we'll discuss this lab, go over last night's homework, then review for Friday's exam.
Physics D reviewed their work with collisions then had a general review for Friday's exam. Tomorrow is a lab on the impulse-momentum theorem, which is the investigation Honors Physics worked on today. The lab clearly demonstrated the agreement between the impulse applied to an object and the resulting change in the object's momentum. We'll discuss this lab tomorrow as part of our general review for Friday's test.
Physics F held off discussing yesterday's lab until tomorrow, when it will be bundled with the general exam review. In class we looked at identifying types of collisions, the properties of elastic, perfectly inelastic and inelastic collisions and how to approach them with problem solving. We'll go over the homework tomorrow, also, as part of our exam review.