Physics D and Honors Physics reviewed the concept of conservation of momentum, then turned attention towards elastic and perfectly inelastic collisions. We discussed the properties of these types of collisions and looked at how the perfectly inelastic did not conserve kinetic energy, but the elastic type did. Tomorrow, Physics D reviews for Friday's exam and Honors Physics conducts an investigation on the impulse-momentum theorem. This was the lab that Physics F performed today, to very good results. Using the force sensor and motion detector, students measured the impulse delivered on a cart and the cart's momentum change, seeing that the two values were in agreement. We tested different materials for applying impulse and how the nature of the time of the interaction influenced the force delivered. The balloon changed the cart's momentum slowly and the cart experienced a small force. The surgical tubing caused the momentum to change quickly and we saw an increased force because of it. Tomorrow, we'll discuss the lab, review our conservation of momentum homework from Monday and then turn attention to collisions.
Intro Physics reviewed their work on pressure at depth and buoyancy, then took a look at Bernoulli's Principle. When looking at fluids, speed is inversely related to pressure. Given the same fluids and depth, faster fluids have lower pressure than slower moving fluids. We looked at examples of this principle in action and will conduct a series of investigations tomorrow to see Bernoulli's Principle in action. Thursday, we review for Friday's exam...