
Days of Review

With two exams tomorrow, 4 classes were engaged in review. Physical Science did a very good job asking questions and focusing in on areas in which they had difficulty. Physics, same good job so I am expecting fine performances on the tests.

Honors Physics - Newton's Laws get intense lab treatment over the next two days with N2 being investigated tomorrow and N3 following on Friday. As for N2, folks seemed to do well with the homework problems, with the exception of #24 of the Chapter Review. That one is a bit sneaky. I will wager that most of you are forgetting a force in your free-body diagrams and that is why your answers are much larger than the actual values. Hint: think about what would happen to the cart if the rope snapped and why. Now, quantifying that bit is a tad tricky, but it definitely can be done with the skills you currently possess. Later on, the technique will actually become old hat...

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