
Whirling Stoppers

Honors Physics investigated centripetal motion and how centripetal force and radius affect tangential velocity. Most groups seemed to show the appropriate patterns - with greater force (radius constant), tangential veloticy increases and greater radius (force constant)tangential velocity again increases. Think about those relationships when reflecting on the types of forces that can act as centripetal forces - gravity, friction, tension, etc.

Physics reviewed perfectly inelastic collsions and began work on elastic collisions. We will review this tomorrow and any other material that people request in preparation for Wednesday's exam.

Physical Science reviewed forces and fluids. Do not let go of your basic math skills. There is nothing in these problems that goes beyond the basic middle school math frameworks. Read the problem, identify what you are given for information, choose a formula or series of formulas to use that information to determine the final desired quantity. Although I give you the formulas on exams, as does the MCAS, you need to know how, when and why to use them. Tomorrow, we discuss Bernoulli's principle and the exam is on Wednesday.

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