

All the physics-associated exams have been given. Whew! I would say that we'll be back to normal next week, but there's Peer Mentoring taking up two periods and then the Professional Development Day on Friday (sans students). Then, February vacation is right around the corner. Enjoy it while you can, because after that it is 8 weeks of solid school before April vacation.

Head's up for third quarter - there's a reason for the phrase "third quarter slump." It is not uncommon for grades to slip during the third quarter - keep on top of things to make sure it doesn't happen to you. We'll be picking up the pace again and covering a lot of material. It won't take too much slacking before you find yourself in over your head. This is also the quarter in which you'll be thinking about scheduling courses for next year. Think hard about your strengths, weaknesses, likes and disllikes before you start to put together your schedule. Also, pay heed to the teacher recommendations. Teachers don't make their course recommendations to make you suffer - they take into account your performance this year, how much work it took for you to get the grade you finally received, your level of satisfaction/discontent with the workload and a number of other factors in making their decisions.

Well, back to Van Helsing. An awful movie, but it makes appropriate eye candy when one is working on the computer. Enjoy the half-day tomorrow...

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