
Just Long Enough

The snow held out just long enough for Physics to conduct their phase change investigation. Once again, the data was very good. Plateaus on the heating and cooling curves at a fraction of a degree off zero degrees Celsius. This despite the fact that a few lab groups did their best to ignore the lab protocol and had to be bailed out several times by yours-truly...Tomorrow, we'll discuss the investigation and discuss the concepts of specific heat and calorimetry.

Honors Physics discussed specific heat and explored the workings of the calorimeter. You will get to use a calorimeter (not the bomb style) during the two investigations on Friday, which center on heat of fusion and rates of heat transfer.

Physical Science - Exam Tomorrow! A few people asked if I was going to collect the Daily Objectives and I said that I wouldn't, this time. This is a rather hectic week for lots of people, so I'll not be taking this work tomorrow. Expect, though, that I WILL collect it a week or two after you return from vacation. On Friday, you will have the opportunity to work through heat and temperature questions from the 2004-2007 MCAS exams.

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