
Fleeing the Scene

Honors Physics discussed their wave interaction homework and held onto it as a resource for their open-book quiz. In fact, we made this a “free-for-all” quiz, where the only resource that was out of bounds was yours truly. So, students worked cooperatively to discuss the questions and debate the answers. A good time was had by all…

Physical Science B went over their wave exams and then attention was then turned to previewing the light unit that we’ll start on our return from break. Physical Science E discussed their lab and took their open-book sound quiz. We’ll go over this on our return, as well as the wave exam and then jump headlong into a pool of light.

Physics F and G discussed their wave interaction homework and then previewed concepts for the sound unit that we’ll begin on our return. G block was pretty sparsely populated due to the Peer Mentor session that was rescheduled from the early release day.


Everyone: None
Have a great vacation!

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