
A Day for Reviews

Honors Physics reviewed the material for tomorrow’s exam and then went over their magnetism tests. For tomorrow’s test, you will have all the necessary constants and information, as well as the formulas, that you need to do the work. The newest incarnation of the formula sheet can be accessed here, so check it out and make sure that you familiarize yourself with the new information.

Physical Science B and E worked on their energy review short-answer questions and received their review problems for work, power and energy. We will go over this tomorrow in class, so make sure that you have completed the work.

Physics F and G picked up with binding energy and moved forward into the arena of nuclear changes through radioactive decay. Make sure that you can identify examples of each type of decay and predict decay products. We also took on the topic of radioactive half-life and how it is used to date determine the ages of materials. At this point, we are drawing a line across the notes and saying “Done.” Work on your corrections for the magnetism exam and don’t forget to hand those in to me when you are done. Tomorrow, starting to look ahead to the final exams next week. Open-book modern physics quiz on Thursday.


Honors Physics A: Study for exam
Physical Science B and E: Complete energy review material
Physics F and G: None

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