
Honors Physics spent the period going over their final exams and preparing for their remaining final exams. Not much to yack about there…

Physical Science B evaluated their work on the practice MCAS heat questions, and, I must say, folks did pretty well on those. We then dissected the open response questions and discussed strategies for approaching and conquering these items. Tomorrow – dress rehearsal for the MCAS next week! Don’t forget your calculators.
Physical Science E discussed their performance on the practice 2009 MCAS test they took yesterday before we moved on to our review of heat. People seem to be more confident about the MCAS than they were when we started the review process and that confidence will definitely help next week. Tomorrow, we’ll go over both the review short answers and prior MCAS problems in class, so have that ready to go.

Physics F didn’t meet today, but Physics G did and we took time to address any material for which students still required assistance. Remember to gather up textbook and any missing work to give to me before you leave the building on Friday!

Honors Physics A: None
Physical Science B: MCAS review questions on waves by Friday
Physical Science E: Complete MCAS heat review materials
Physics F: None
Physics G: Prepare for final exam

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