
Summer Reading

Summer is a great time to read, because you can devote large blocks of time to conquering a book. I hate catching a chapter here and a chapter there - how can you immerse yourself in a story that way. Today, I had the car in the shop and was able to read the latest installment in Simon Greene's Nightside series. Not as good as earlier volumes, but it definitely had its moments. Lately, its actually been re-reading time. Revisiting those books that you just seem to read again and again. I've hit Dune, Stranger in a Strange Land, The Keep, several Terry Pratchett titles, Neuromancer, Snow Crash, Night Watch, and a host of others these past few weeks. Soon, I'll attack a stack of new titles that I have lined up, some fiction and some non-fiction.

Here's hoping that you have your own list of titles to conquer this summer. Movies rock, heaven knows I watch far more than my fair share, but books rock 2x. Need ideas - check out the SciFi Lists link over on the right. Classics that any self-respecting science nerd, geek or techno-freak should have under their belts.

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