
Could it Be Any Hotter?

Well, I guess it could, but I'm not sure any of us would be alive to realize it...

Honors Physics didn't occur - class meeting occupied the entire block. So, we'll start on all cylinders tomorrow.

Physics B discussed the fields and expectations of physics, concentrating on the use of models to evaluate complex phenomena. We reviewed skills for converting units within the metric system - it is something that will crop up often during problem solving. An overview of accuracy and precision ended the period and we will expand on that a bit tomorrow before diving into significant figures.

Physics F worked on their Making Cents of Math lab, which allowed students to gain familiarity with the Vernier probeware system, which will be our primary laboratory mechanism all year.

Physical Science completed their linear relationship lab and we took time to discus the results. The ability to work with linear relationships in a quantitative and a qualitative way are vital skills for success in physics. We will revisit this relationship many times throughout the course. If you need any practice calculating slope or writing equations of lines, ask me and I'll pull something together for you.


Honors Physics: None
Physics B: None
Physics F: Complete lab writeup
Physical Science: Complete lab writeup

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